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Anti Aging FAQs

I am getting a little older in age and I have an age spot here and there, what are the best anti aging skin treatments to use?

An age spot can take some time to get rid of. Daily use of a Fade Bright will inhibit the production of melanin. *This is highly recommended BEFORE you begin peeling to prepare the skin. You may also start to leave the peel on for a longer time frame, or reapply the acid to keep it active longer during your peel. Make sure to keep up with the Copper peptide 2x daily and if you have any Emu Oil add that on with the copper NEVER the peel to strengthen it and pull it deeper into your skin.

I am noticing lines and wrinkles from over exposure to the sun and tanning beds and I am looking for a more firm look. What anti aging skin treatments should I try first?

The Platinum Labs Anti Aging Kit has absolutely everything you need to start a big turn-around in your skin. Everything from Epidermal Growth Factors, Retinol, Hyaluronic, Vitamin C and more. Customize the kit to your skin type. Simple, easy, done! These anti aging skin treatments will render even quick results if you choose to add a weekly peel into your regimen!

After beginning an anti aging skin treatment regimen, how long will it take before I start seeing a difference in the lines and wrinkles on my face?

I’ve received many comments from my clients stating they can already see a change happening within the first few weeks of starting Platinum Skin Care anti aging skin treatment kit. But remember, it took time for those lines and wrinkles to develop and they will take time to fade.

I just turned 50 and I seem to have a run down, tired look all the time. My eyes have wrinkles and bags underneath. Do you have cream that can help reduce eye wrinkle and bags under my eyes?

The Platinum eyes is a great eye treatment will really help your eye area tighten up and lessen any dark circles you may have. Our Eyelift Xpress works hand in hand with Platinum Eyes to super-reduce the puffy eyes and dark circles. Consider using them in tandem. Any of our milder chemical peels will help bring life to your face as well!

I am a male with pretty good skin tone, texture and elasticity but I do have a number of lines and wrinkles around my eyes and forehead. What is the best product you have to reduce or remove these wrinkles and fine lines?

Platinum Eyes is a great cream for treating wrinkles or lines around the eyes. It can be used every day to rejuvenate and instantly tighten your eye area. For the forehead, you will want to try the Retinol and ReLixSyn daily for tightening. A TCA peel 1x every month should really aid in tightening up the forehead area as well. GABA or Derma Snap 8LM can be used daily to target your problem areas for instant tightening.

After I start Using your Platinum Eye treatment cream, how long before I start noticing a difference?

Most of the customers at Platinum Skin Care report seeing a difference in the wrinkles and lines in their eye area within 1-2 weeks. Always remember though, when you are creating real, long-lasting changes in the skin, it takes time. Be patient and you will be rewarded.

I have some age spots on my face from the sun and pronounced furrows between my brows and over my eyebrows along with small wrinkles around the mouth area. What is the best anti aging treatments for these problems?

A TCA peel (start with 13%) will really help treat an age spot and lines. This is a peel you will do around 2x per month, and it will give excellent results. Fade Bright and 15% Glycolic Serum daily will help to prepare your skin prior to the peel.

I have loose skin on my neck. What type of anti aging products do you recommend?

Copper Peptide is extremely beneficial for tightening things up. Another anti aging product suggestion would be the Vitamin C Serum and the Luminosity Retinol .50%. These anti aging products will help tighten and protect from radicals!

What should I do if I experience swelling around my eyes after using the anti aging eye cream I bought for wrinkles and lines?

If you see swelling, you’re using too much copper. It’s a very strong product and you need the tiniest amount you can apply. Think like the amount of lead that’s sticking out of a dulling pencil tip. Keep in mind the jar should last you a year! Make sure you are only using the copper 1x per day to begin with, trust me... you will have no problem using more cream when your skin becomes adjusted to its strength.
This is a difficult area to rebuild and must be done gradually. Try some of the suggestions below, they are directly from Dr. Pickart:

  • Because this skin may be already badly damaged, start with a very light coating of Intense Regenerating Eye Cream then gradually increase the amount applied with time. If you experience irritation, this means that too much copper peptide is passing through a very damaged skin barrier.
  • Another approach is to try Emu Oil one night to replenish skin lipids, then the Copper Eye Cream every second night.
  • You can also try applying the eye cream while the skin is still wet from cleansing.
  • As your skin barrier is repaired, you will become less sensitive to any applied material. With time, the skin around your eyes should tighten and firm.
  • If you experience excessive dryness, use a little less of the copper peptide products and cover them with a light amount of Emu Oil.