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No-Fail Resolutions (that make you beautiful inside and out)

Posted by Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin . See below for purchasing info. on Dec 29, 2015

Skin Care Resolutions that make you beautiful

How many times have you made New Years resolutions that lasted, oh, a few days? We often set unreasonable goals, and too many of them. One frustrating year, I actually made this resolution: “I Will Make No More New Years Resolutions!”

I would like to propose some inspiring resolutions that are easy to keep and will make you feel good about yourself—inside and out. Success breeds more success: Achieving some easy goals will inspire you to reach—and succeed—for bigger goals. I’m including a couple of easy resolutions for each of three categories: Mind/Soul, Body, and Skin.

Beauty is not only about how you look. We’ve all met people who seem to radiate an inner glow of peace and love that makes them far more attractive than some who are considered “beautiful.” Which type of person would you rather spend time with or include in your circle of friends?

Here are some simple, easy-to-keep resolutions designed to make you feel better about yourself—and when that happens, it shows.

For your mind and soul:

1. Resolve to do or say something nice to someone at least three times a week. Doing something for others has been scientifically proven to lift your mood and release fee-good hormones in your body. This can be as simple as smiling at a child in the grocery store and saying, “What a lovely little girl/ handsome little boy you are! And so nice of you to help your parents do the shopping.”

2. Promise to pick up the phone or go online and make a donation to a favorite charity—any amount is always appreciated. Volunteering is another wonderful way to give back: Studies show that those who help others are less depressed.

For your body:

1. Eat at apple at least three times a week. Five times a week is better. It’s true that “an apple a day…” Apples are full of fiber and vitamins and natural sugars for energy—and they low calorie. According to one study, people who ate an apple before a meal lost over 30 percent more weight than those who didn’t.

2. Drink more water. Being well-hydrated is good for your body and skin—and helpful for weight loss.

For your skin:

1. Resolve to cleanse your skin thoroughly and apply your product(s) every single evening. Skipping this step because you fell asleep in front of the TV will lead to skin troubles. Sometimes we just get so tired and run out of energy by the time we are brushing our teeth: To avoid that, try changing your routine and doing your nightly ablutions right after dinner so it is done and done!

2. Try one new thing for your skin this year to take it to the next level: For instance, give yourself an at-home peel, or add retinol to your skincare, or try a moisturizing mask. (See some suggestions, below)

3. Resolve to buy and use a good sunscreen every day: This is one of the best things you can do for your skin.

I’d like to add in one more thing: Resolve to follow this blog so that you can learn more about taking care of your body and skin in the year ahead!

Whatever you decide to resolve—or even if you resolve NOT to make resolutions—I wish you the very best for 2016! Happy New Year!

A few things to try in 2016:

1. Treat your skin to a mask, like a moisturizing mask to beat the winter, like the  Apple Stem Cell Caviar Extract Hydration Mask, or one with gentle exfoliation properties the Antoxidant Enzyme Mask

2.Explore a do-it-yourself peel, like the layer-able  1-4-All Peel (good for all skin types).

3. Stop using generic soaps and switch to a real cleanser, great for all skin types, like the  Gentle Cleansing Lotion, or for a little more “punch”, the AB Cleanser.

4. Stop aging. If you aren’t doing it yet, it is time to add in one of the most-recommended products by dermatologists for over-all skin improvement and anti-aging:  Retinol!

5. Stop aging some more: Time to use sunscreen, every day. We’ve got a good one,  Cotz!

Where can I buy Dana's Book?

The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.

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