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Prevent Aging Skin Every Day With These Simple Tips

Posted by Jennifer Tilney on Nov 11, 2014

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

Prevention is the best medicine when it comes to looking good as you age. If you start working on your skin, hair, nails, feet, eyes, and teeth in your twenties, thirties, and forties, you’ll still be looking glorious by your fifties and beyond. The largest organ in your body is… you thought I was going to say heart didn’t you? It’s your skin! So a thoughtful anti-aging skin care treatment regimen is a must to stave off the effects of aging. There are a few basic things that need to be done no matter what your age is:

Anti-Aging Skin Care Tips

Use Sunscreen: Use sunscreen every day, even when it’s cloudy. At it’s best, sun damage causes wrinkles, and at it’s worst, sun damage can lead to skin cancer. Sunscreen is key in any anti-aging skin care regimen.

Eat Well: Anti-oxidant foods that make your skin look great include any food with Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A, and omega-3 fatty acids. Some of these include orange juice, broccoli, carrots, lean meats and fish.

Drink Water: Drinking lots of water keeps the skin plumped up, minimizing the appearance of wrinkles. Properly hydrated skin will appear dewy, clear, and youthful.

Get Enough Sleep: Sleeping at least seven hours each night refreshes the skin. Healing occurs when we sleep, so make a nap part of your anti-aging skin care treatment.

No Smoking: Smoking ages skin by dehydrating it and degrading the collagen, and when a smoker inhales, their face contorts, particularly around the mouth, creating deep lines around the upper lip and eyes. Smoking has been shown to thin the skin too. Thin skin wrinkles more easily than thicker skin, so stop smoking today.

It's Too Late!

What if you already have some effects of age showing? You can buy anti-aging skin care treatments that will help turn back the clock. We’ve all heard about Botox, botulism injected into your face to relax deep frown lines in your forehead or around your mouth. There is another cosmetic surgery procedure, known as “dermal fillers,” that literally fill the deep furrows with a hyaluronic acid compound that expands to fill the space. These are both quite expensive, require frequent sessions and in the end, are still only temporary.

Less invasive, and less expensive, options include retinol (retinoid) creams, derivitaves of Vitamin A, which help reduce fine wrinkles when used over a period of time. Retinols may cause irritation in some people, including redness and peeling, and they also make you more sensitive to sunburn, but that's a small price to pay for younger looking skin. Alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) also provide fine line reduction by exfoliating dead skin cells. AHA’s can also cause some irritation like retinols, but symptoms are usually less severe. Everyone is different, so it is best to try both options or alternate them over the days.

There are many new alternatives to injections nowadays. Topical ingredients like Syn-Ake and Snap8 can penetrate into the skin to slow muscle contractions. These can be applied 2x daily before other creams and lotions. After 30-45 days smoothing can become apparent. It is best to combine botox alternative therapies with the Retinol and hydroxy acids for the best results. As the exfoliators remove excess skin, the peptides can penetrate easier. 

Here is to you and your healthy, younger looking skin! Keep up the good work.