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Spring Cleaning! Freshen Up And Peel Off That Old Winter Skin

Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin on Mar 31, 2015

new skin tips

by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin. 

Tips for new skin from head to toe (even for your rough elbows!)

For most folks in the U.S.A., this was a record-breaking winter (and not in good way, unless you consider shoveling a driveway more times in one winter than ever before a fun record to break). So needless to say, Springtime is being greeted with a lot of joy!

And that means time to get in the Spring Skin Cleaning spirit: Time to get your face glowing like morning dew on fresh daffodils, soften your sand-papery hands and elbows, and make the skin on your body as smooth as a fresh blade of grass.

(If I’m sounding sappy-poetic, it’s ‘cause my Spring-loving heart is as joyful as Bambi bounding across a daisy-filled meadow). 


Here’s how to Spring Clean your skin from head to toe

  1. Start with total-body exfoliation. Get a pair of loofa-like scrubbing gloves or a good body brush, and go over your entire body with a firm but gentle exfoliating, giving extra attention to troubled areas. If you have rough elbows or bumps on the back of your arms or thighs, follow the body scrubbing by applying a great emollient like Triple Treat Body Lotion with extra-exfoliating ingredients such as glycolic and lactic acids.

    If you scrub those troubled areas every other day and re-apply this skin-softening lotion, you will see a significant reduction or disappearance in the roughness and bumps within 10 days, and smoother skin will appear in those places.For the rest of your body, apply a great moisturizer such as Pure Virgin Shea Butter after scrubbing down. I suggest a full-body scrub-down at least once-a-week for smooth, healthier skin.
  2. If you have very rough body areas, such as elbows, knees, or acne on the chest and back, consider applying a peel product there, keeping in mind the skin on your body is tougher than the skin on your face, so you can use a stronger peel, such as the Salicylic Acid Peel in the 25% strength. Salicylic acid is also great for acne-troubled skin, so consider applying it on your chest or back to help rid the zits there.

    The Glycolic Acid Peel in the 50% strength is even stronger and also good for acne-prone skin. If you are unsure of what strength you need on various areas of the body, or for your face, consider the 1-4-All Peel which is layerable: You can apply several layers, increasing the strength from mild, to very strong. Full instructions come with every peel, and they are way easier and quicker to do than you might think—and incredibly effective!
  3. Now let’s focus on getting glowing skin on your face: Wash and exfoliate! You have a lot of options to achieve great skin, and it starts with proper cleansing and exfoliation. First, wash with a good cleanser such as the AB Cleanser with several exfoliating acids to get down into those pores and do some serious cleansing. If you have very sensitive skin, consider the Gentle Cleansing Lotion. Use with a semi-rough washcloth to provide light exfoliation. For extra exfoliation, follow the cleansing with Diamond Dermabrasion with lactic acid. This perfect combination of crystals and acid will help to smooth your fine lines and wrinkles, too.
  4. After cleansing/exfoliation, try a peel. You have lots of options here, too, ranging from mild peels to stronger ones—there is one for every skin type! To get better skin tone, improve discoloration, lessen acne issue, reduce fine lines, shrink pores—and get a glow—there is simply nothing as effective as using peels (which is why dermatologists and estheticians recommend them regularly).

    For sensitive skin or skin with mild rosacea: Try the Mandelic Peel 22%.

    For combination or normal skin: We suggest the TCA 13% peel.

    For experienced peel users with non-sensitive skin: So many more options! Try the TCA Peel (noted above) a higher percentage, or a professional-grade Jessner Peel. Please note: You will have 3-4 days of “downtime” with the Jessner peel—it is STRONG. 

    If you are unsure of what peel strength might be right for you, why not get one that has glycolic, salicylic and other great acids for the skin, but is layerable—one layer is mild, each additional layer you apply increases the strength. We mentioned it above, here it is again, the 1-4-All Peel.

    Still not sure? Call us during the week and we will guide you on products for your skin: 1-800-917-3155, or email us anytime 24/7:
  5. Finally, moisturizing! Great options here, too! If you decided not to use a peel, you can STILL get smoother, better skin by using a moisturizer with some glycolic or other AHA acids. 

    For rosacea-troubled or sensitive skin or post-peel irritation: You’ll love Soothe. Calming, mild, with natural oils. If your skin is sensitive but not irritated, you might also like the Advanced Care Moisturizer.

    For all skin types: Lots of good ingredients for your skin in the Basics Day Cream.

    Super-dry skin: Can’t get more hyaluronic acid than what is in Hyaluronic Acid Pure Serum. You can apply it straight, or mix with your favorite moisturizer for a “boost” of moisture. For night-time extra-moisture, try a final layer of Pure Emu Oil. You can use it straight, or mix with your favorite moisturizer. I also love using Emu Oil on my lips and cuticles—unbeatable!
  6. The final “finally”: Sunscreen! Protect your new Spring Skin and by applying sunscreen everyday. A good non-comedogenic sunscreen like those made by CeraVe are sold in most major drugstore chains.
  7. But wait—what about makeup? You might not want any makeup foundation over your fresh new skin, but if you do need a little something more to give you sheer coverage and color, use non-matte makeups that have some shimmer, like Clinique’s Supermoisture Makeup which gives a lot of good coverage. If you just want a hint of glimmer, try Laura Mercier’s Mineral Illuminating Powder—a touch on the cheekbones, eyelids, and brow-bone is all you need for a little “pop” of shimmer.

To top everything off—smile! That will brighten your whole face instantly.

Where can I buy Dana's Book?

The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.

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