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Posted by Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin. on Jun 01, 2016

Stuff you NEED in your bag!!

The absolutes essentials, some great optionals, and some extra stuff.

My kids always joke that whatever we need, wherever we are, no matter when—Mom will have it in her bag. It’s true; over the years I’ve learned what is very important to have on hand and some other stuff that has gotten me (or someone else) out of a pinch many times.

If you’re a guy reading this, you’ll find most of these suggestions work for your needs, too. A lot of guys—especially younger ones—are carrying bags these days; everyone has stuff and we need to stuff our stuff into something. It’s nearly impossible to sell a guy a “man purse,” so clever marketers make big leather or canvas bags ostensibly for carrying laptops and cellphones and call them “messenger bags.” You’ll also see men lugging their stuff in a backpack or a good old-fashioned briefcase.

Even if you don’t need all the stuff I suggest, you will be surprised how many times you’re with someone who’ll be glad you have this stuff in your bag.

I’ve categorized the items as Essentials, Optionals, and Other Stuff (items that you might as well stick in there to fill up that huge bag you bought).

Note: Whenever possible, look for mini versions which can often be found in the travel section of most large drugstores, and on some cool websites such as  or

Essentials for your Bag

The Essentials:

  1. Medication. Along with some Tylenol for a headache that crops up, keep a couple of pills of your most important medication in case you remember later in the day that you forgot to take it.
  2. Emergency medical card. Keep a card or note in your wallet with your name, emergency contact number, any medications you are taking, and anything other information a hospital should know in the event you are unable to speak.
  3. Two safety pins. One large, another small. No more worrying about a popped button revealing a little more than you intended!
  4. A miniature Swiss Army Knife. The one I have stays on my keychain and features teensy scissors as well as a can opener, several blades, a nail file and screwdriver. This little gadget has come in handy more times than I can remember! They make even smaller versions with only a couple of blades and they come in several color options. For instance, check out this one on Amazon, click here.
  5.  A discreetly-wrapped feminine hygiene pad. How many times have you heard a desperate voice in the ladies room asking, “Does anyone have…?”
  6. Tissues. This is my most most-used item, so I keep a mini-pack in my bag.
  7. A couple of Band-Aids. For an unexpected blister on the foot or a small cut; a must-have if you are with kids.
  8.  Comb or mini hairbrush.
  9. Money. At least $20. If you often forget to replenish your wallet, fold up a $20 bill, wrap it in plastic wrap, stick it in your make-up bag—then forget about it until you are in a pinch and need it. I also keep $20 in my car’s glove compartment, along with quarters for parking meters.

Optional things for your bag of tricks

The Optionals:

  1. Individually wrapped packets of hand sanitizer (or a mini bottle).
  2. Small mirror. I don’t keep this anymore because I just use the reverse-view on my cellphone camera.
  3. A mini tube of hand moisturizer.
  4. A small creamy lipstick in a neutral works-on-all-skin colors shade, such as a dusty rose or mauve. A creamy formulation also works great as a touch-up cheek blush.
  5.  If you are not a lipstick person, keep a tube of good lip balm. I keep a lipstick as well as my favorite balm—the  Platinum Lip Butter (which comes in several tasty flavors).
  6.  A rubber hairband and a couple of bobby pins.
  7. Breath mints or spray.

Other Stuff:

  1. Individually wrapped packet of stain remover: Especially if you are wearing white.
  2. A mini-sized stick of sunscreen and/or bug spray. I keep these in my bag during the summer when I’m out and about. Bug spray be unnecessary for many people but come sundown in the summer, if there is a mosquito within a mile it will come to me. And bite me.
  3. Personal and/or business cards. In addition to personal cards, I carry around postcards with information about The Skin Regime; it has a brief description about my book and The 1-4-All Peel that informs people they can read the book’s first chapter free on course, I had to slip in a shameless plug here!)
  4. If you’ll be out all day or night, having a little more than just lipstick is good idea but it is such a pain to carry around makeup! Consider keeping a wet/dry powder to double as foundation. You can find min makeup kits in some larger drugstores and Sephora. I use a mini-palette in neutrals by Tarte, called “Tease”Don’t forget to bring along a mini makeup brush or Q-tips, too!
  5. Disposable toothbrush. For quick in-a-pinch brushing needs I like the super-tiny  Colgate Wisp. It’s too small for a thorough brushing but just right for freshening up.
  6. Mini atomizer or sample-size filled with your favorite perfume. Especially on hot summer days, it’s nice to refresh with a spritz of scent.
  7. Eye drops. Ever get something in your eye? Or do your eyes get dry and tired or red? Especially during allergy season, a tiny bottle of eye drops can be indispensable.
  8. Spare cellphone battery or quick re-charger.
  9. It used to be a rite-of-passage; Fathers would hand their teenaged son a condom to keep in their wallets—where it often stayed for years and years. Now I’m making NO assumptions about your personal life, but whether your are male or female, if there is any chance at all you might need one—put one in the bag.
  10. A loud emergency whistle. Especially if you’ll be walking alone at night.

*If you need your Platinum Skin Care essentials in travel size, fear not!! 98% of our entire line is in to-go sizes! A couple of packets of emu oil are perfect for burns, itches, and ouches of all kinds.

Platinum Skin Care Trial Sizes - great for BAGS!

Where can I buy Dana's Book?

The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.

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