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Summer Skin Freakouts - And Fixing Them

Posted by Dana Ramos, author of the best-selling book: The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin on Jul 24, 2018

Six MAJOR Problems and their Fixes. 

Summer Skin Freakouts - Fixing Them

It’s right about now—when you are really getting into summer and lovin’ it, but also thinking about September—that you might be annoyed by some issues with your skin that add a layer of frustration to the backyard BBQ/beach trip/bikini parade: Breakouts, razor bumps or ingrown hairs around the bikini line or back of the thighs, weird rashes, sunburn…

Here are some fixes to keep you looking great for weeks to come!


It really is your own fault for not listening to pretty much every doctor, article, and news broadcast that urges you to use sunscreen and not to burn. So take a second to feel guilty, promise to do better, roll your eyes and say, “Gee, who are you--my mother?” Then reach for lots of moisturizer like Pure Shea Butter and slather it on at every chance. Also get a great sunscreen that won’t block your pores, like the Cotz brand. Self-tanners are a safe alternative to sunbathing; just be sure to exfoliate your skin first for a nice, even result.


Dealing with summer breakouts?

Benzoyl Peroxide is one of the top doctor recommendations for acne, but because it can be drying, put Curoxyl Benzoyl Peroxide directly on the zits only, not all over your face.

Another doctor favorite is glycolic acid, and I like Glycolic Hyaluronic Serum in the 15% strength: The glycolic acid helps control the acne and the hyaluronic adds in moisture.

If you have acne-prone skin you might really like some of the great acne treatment packages — your teen might like them, too!

Sun spots and other discolored patches: 

Unless you will be totally out of the sun for the rest of the summer, I would avoid treating these spots until Fall. Then reach for Fade Bright Lightening. It’ll work on bug-bite and acne scars, too. To really go to town on skin discoloration, Platinum Skincare has a ton of options for you, tailored for your specific skin type. Get a FREE consultation by clicking here.

Razor bumps and ingrown hairs

This is usually caused by waxing or shaving too close to the skin; your hair gets trapped under the skin and has trouble growing out. The best way to deal with that is two-fold (and it takes a little time to get rid of all the bumps). First, exfoliate: get a good loofa or scrub gloves to remove dead skin cells and help allow hair to grow out properly.  You can apply Platinum's 15% Acid Body Wash and use this during your scrubbing to get the skin off extra quickly! Use this every day for a couple of days, then every other day so you don’t irritate your skin. Second: stop waxing and/or switch to an electric razor because they give you a slightly less-close shave.

Bugs bugs bugs: 

They may be God’s creatures, too, but too most of them are simply pests. And worse, some bite. Even worse than that, some ticks can give you very serious diseases. Avoid them all with a total-bug repellent like Off! or Avon Skin So Soft. If you don’t mind a little risk of still getting bitten (because only sprays with the ingredient DEET and picaridin are considered very effective), try a natural repellent like Repel Lemon-Eucalyptus Insect Repellent Spray. For the horrible itching, you can use an antibiotic with “pain relief”, like Neosporin, that will help numb itching. Cortisone cream also works well; and both of those products are available without a prescription. If you get a bite that leaves a mark—read how to deal with it above (under “sun spots and other discolored spots”).

Rashes: They can be caused by exposure to sun, sand, salt water, heat (heat rash), or an allergic reaction to a product like a bug spray or sunscreen. Soothe the irritation with Pure Shea Butter or Emu Oil (which has anti-inflammatory effect, pain killing, as well as being super-moisturizing). Cortisone cream, available without a prescription, can help, too. In the summer, a rash could be yeast-based; sort of like athlete’s foot. These infections/rashes commonly occur in warm, moist body areas, such as the underarms, in the groin, under the breasts, between the legs, and under the folds of the skin.

In this case, do NOT use Cortisone; instead, keep the area clean and dry, apply athlete’s foot powder or non-prescription anti-yeast creams like Clotrimazole (Lotrimin) creams. *Ask your pharmacist). 

Read more about yeast-based rashes by clicking hereIf a rash persists, see a dermatologist.

After summer, when the glow is gone and you are left with dry, dull skin, be sure to call Platinum Skincare for everything you need to know to get your skin glowing again; they have the best products at the best prices for amazing skin!

Where can I buy Dana's Book?

The Skin Regime; Boot Camp for Beautiful Skin, available as a Kindle download or Buy paperback to buy your paperback copy from Platinum Skin Care. You can also read the first chapter--FREE--by click here to read 1st chapter.