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New Product Alert! Alqemi - Transform yourself.

Dry Skin

Dry skin can appear thin, crepey, flaky and wrinkled. Any one of these will have you looking like you are a few years older than you want to. Your skin needs hydration - inside and out. Start internally and work your way out. Start by drinking plenty of water every day. Take your essential fatty acids and hyaluronic acid supplements each morning. 

Topically you will need to begin with some exfoliation. Try our Lactic Diamond Dermabrasion scrub or a lactic peel, cleanser or toner, to start the process of exfoliating the dead, dry flakes. Hydrate with the most delectable antiaging cream made - DermaSnap 8LM and smooth away the lines. Add emu oil, hyaluronic acid, lipids and other hydrating ingredients daily to your regimen.