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Fox 2 News | Winter Skin Tips | Platinum Skin Care

Fox 2 News - Winter Skin Tips

Platinum Skin Care CEO Jennifer Tilney and Kevin Tilney showcased their professional skin care products on Fox 2 Detroit with Anchor Maurielle Lue.

They talked about dark circles and puffy eyes. What can you do for those? Jennifer told Maurielle about Platinum's Eyelift Xpress Caffeine Roller that would help to reduce the water and puffiness.

Jennifer said one of her favorite products was their High Octane Vitamin C Serum. It is as smooth as silk and will not turn. Excellent for pigmentation and evening skin tone.

Jennifer said that one of their best selling products was their molecular vitamin A retinol serum. She said that it was very different from other otc retinols. This one penetrates very deep into the skin and will make your skin amazingly smooth. Excellent for Anti-Aging. It comes in 4 percentages and most people should begin with the .10%.

Kevin mentioned that the Emu Oil products are amazing for darker skin when Maurielle inquired about the different skin types. Platinum Skin Care also produces the natural, essential oil and emu oil based company The line consists of 16 products from lotions, creams, acne, supplements, serums, and hair care products.  ***The Emu oil co product line is is currently being used exclusively by another company.

We still carry the pure emu oil, emu with msm and glucosamine as well as our newest essential oil product without emu oil, our 99% organic Platinum Essentials Healing Oil