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Intimate Area Peels | Vaginal | Anal | Underarms | Inner thighs



Today I am going to answer one of our TOP Questions that we get at Platinum Skin Care.
Can I apply peels to my Intimate Areas?

Yes: Vaginal, Anal, Buttocks… and even Underarms and Inner thighs. Are you ready?
Many people get quite a large amount of discoloration on the vaginal area and around the buttocks. The underarms can be affected with this as well. This is so common that even spas are reaching out to us for ideas on how to treat these areas with peels.
Now… you may not have glanced in a mirror lately to see what is going on down there… but, if you are in your 20’s and up.. there may be some changes that could be alarming to you if you didn’t know that you are PERFECTLY NORMAL!!!
First and Foremost – you are perfect. OK! You may not give a hoot about what is going on back there .. or under there… but… over there … that IS an issue.

Some are really bothered by what they see. And we want to make you feel GOOD in your own skin… . So I am going to answer this burning question and give you some great treatment ideas that you can do at home.
Firstly … what causes darkening down there!

Inflammation from shaving.
Rubbing or friction from clothes and skin.
Hormones of course!
Genetics – those with ethnic skin will definitely run into this more than their lighter counterparts.

Onto our Answer – Yes, you certainly CAN apply peels to your private areas … with some caution.
But firstly….
It isn’t always necessary.
Many times, just daily treatments can take care of discoloration.

So, this should always be done first.
AND!!!!! If you have ethnic skin (which is an olive complexion or darker), you’re going to have to do this step first anyways… so …
Start off by applying a melanin inhibitor like our Fade Bright to the darkened area every day 1-2x.
After 2-4 weeks you should start to see some brightening of the skin. Just keep it up!
Other daily treatments can include exfoliation of a daily nature.
Like our 15% acid body wash or our 25% Body Lotion.

Bring these products out again any time you feel the need.
Now… if 2-4 weeks feels like a long time to get things started. Please don’t let that make you think that PEEL is going to be the better… faster option. Because it is NOT.
A peel is not going to take care of this pigmentation in a single treatment.
It’s not Magic!
You will have to do a series of at least 3-6 peels in a row … and maybe more. Usually spaced 2-4 weeks apart depending on the acid you choose.

So, what I am going to share with you here is what WE feel will work best

based on our own personal knowledge working with peels for 22 years… and by our working with professionals and what THEY are doing in-house when their clients come in with these same concerns.
ON to the PEELS…..
DIRECTIONS and a Warning
Each peel you purchase will come with a direction manual. So steps are always listed. This is just a quick rundown for reference.
**Before applying any peel solution to the body you will

wash the skin,
strip the skin … use a prep solution or alcohol,
and then protect any mucus-producing areas with a barrier ointment like Vaseline!

You do NOT want acid applied to any skin that is naturally moist. *You may need to be quite Flexible for this … or get some help.
Then you will apply it according to the directions. Lighter acids are generally a few minutes the first time and then you increase as your tolerance builds.
Stronger acids are timed with 5 minutes for each layer.
Rinse when you are done – unless your Manual says otherwise.

Option 1. Mandelic 40% peel or Lactic 50% peel. 1-2x a month.
These are milder acids that are perfect for all of the areas we are talking about. You will find that the Mandelic is going to FEEL the most gentle.

It is very mild and very safe for the body. It would be an excellent choice for the sensitive underarms and vaginal area and should not cause any issues with even the darkest of skin colors.
Lactic 50% is another great choice for all areas. It may feel a bit stingier... but it is just as mild – if not more so.
Both can be applied and left on 10-15 minutes minimum…. and then rinsed. They will not generally cause any visible flaking.

*Continue use unless you’re feeling dry/irritated. If this is the case the skin may need to do some flaking. Stop! Let this complete. When the skin is feeling smooth again in a few weeks you may resume your applications.

If you are wanting to try one of the stronger peels I am going to suggest next– and you have ethnic skin (Fitzpatrick 4 and above)

we want the area to be PREreated with a melanin inhibitor – such as our Fade Bright for 3-4 weeks. Hopefully you are already doing this as your first step that we talked about and are seeing some lightening. Now you are just wanting to ADD ON a peel.
That is GREAT. Let’s see what we can do.
Option 2. Jessners peel 1x a month. Jessners is a stronger, layerable peel that is known for its ability to treat pigmentation in the skin. This is mostly because of the lactic and resorcinol in the peel.

Two or maybe 3 layers could be done with this peel your first time. Always listen to your body though! If you are too irritated, stop layering. Next time you can add on 1 more layer.

Option 3. TCA 13% at 2-3 layers. Same rules apply. Listen to your body. Stop if needed. You can always add on more layers Next time.

As with any peels … results will be cumulative. The body will also take a longer time to flake than a facial peel. So the full month will be required before you can apply this again.
One thing to NOTE… do NOT PANIC if your skin turns darker 2-3 days after you apply an acid peel! This is normal.

When you apply a peel to the skin it will darken as it prepares to come off. Keep it well hydrated with things like emu oil or Shea Butter. Both are excellent after a peel. I particularly love the Shea butter because it stays moist for so many hours.