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live peel party 2023

Live Peel Party 2023

This is the day! Find ALL of your peel questions - ANSWERED in our live demo Peel Party. With the help of several Platinum Friends, we had a live Zoom session so we could all do a peel at the same time. We talked all about how to prep, different methods, how WET that gauze should be! ... so many questions and answers. All detailed beautifully to help anyone get through this process with the full knowledge they need to feel confident moving forward. 

We had a great time. Let this 2 hour long video play as you learn all about peels and how to apply them. We will show you layering, talk about advanced peels, CROSS method, times, alternating peel with needling, LED masks ..... and help you on your way through your technique. This was a great time and we hope to do it again. Enjoy - Live - LEARN!