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Salicylic peel 3 - 15 - 25

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About Salicylic peel 3 - 15 - 25

Beta hydroxy salicylic, is an oil soluble acid and is extremely beneficial to those with clogged pores and acne. It also has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.   Salicylic is well tolerated in all skin tones and types. It is very effective for PIH (post inflammatory pigmentation), oily skin, rough skin and mild photo damage. It is predominately used for acne and acne vulgaris with excellent results.  6-8 treatments will be administered in weekly or bi-weekly increments.



CERTIFIED Salicylic Acid Peel

Free Acid Value = 3, 15 or 25 *Learn about FAV here.

This is a professional grade, "Cool-Action" Salicylic peel buffered to a pH of 2.1. Buffering raises the pH level of the acid so that it does not react too quickly. This series of salicylic peels is perfect for at-home usage. Salicylic is an oil soluble type of acid. It works nicely on acne and oily skin types to accelerate the turnover of skin cells, clear pores, and slow sebum production.

Choose from one of the three available percentages:

  • Level 1 Salicylic  3% - Pre-Teens, Teens and Adults multiple times per week.
  • Level 2 Salicylic 15% - Weekly peel for all non-sensitive, clogged pores.
  • Level 3 Salicylic 25% - Move up as needed.

If you are searching for these general types of skin improvements, then salicylic is the acid choice for you. Salicylic is great for:

  • Blackheads
  • Whiteheads
  • Large pores
  • Oily skin
  • Pigmentation from blemishes* These are NOT scars. They are PIH or post inflammatory hyper-pigmentation that is left behind after the inflammation dies down. They will go away. If though, you are dealing with depressed scaring, also known as an "ice pick" scar, please take a look into our scar kit to deal with minimizing those. 

What is Cool-Action?

To make this peel more comfortable, we added in a bit of menthol to minimize the 'burning effect' that many people feel while performing peels. This ingenious action allows for a more comfortable peel. You will find it in several of our peel formulas.

Your daily treatments are just as important as your weekly or bi-weekly peel. Make sure to read about How Our CEO Cured her Acne.

Do not use a salicylic peel if you are pregnant. It is in the aspirin family. See what other ingredients (and strength) that you should avoid during pregnancy and lactation here

Oily skin is prone to blackheads, breakouts, and large pores - especially in the T-zone (forehead, nose and chin areas). Salicylic acid, a beta-hydroxy acid is a highly effective superficial peeling agent and pore cleanser. It loosens and removes aging cells, oil and debris attached to the skin's surface. Stimulates new cell production and increased collagen formation. Is oil soluble and lipophilic, thus it is able to penetrate sebum filled follicles and clean out clogged pores, resulting in marked improvement in acne prone skin. *In summary: salicylic is attracted to oil and will dig deep in your pores to clean them out!

What kind of peeling can I expect? 

With Salicylic acid there is only a light amount, and possibly no visible peeling. Salicylic is considered a Superficial peel. It can penetrate through the Stratum Corneum, the Stratum Granulsome and possibly into the Stratum Basale layer at higher strengths. Peeling should be completed within 3-7 days. There is not truly any "down time" related with this acid. You may consider a bit of dryness "social downtime". 

The absence of flaking does not mean that this acid isn't working though. Flakes are not necessary for changes to occur within the skin. 

Continual use is recommended for best results. You can apply this peel one time every week or every second week until a series is completed. Then as needed, or monthly. 

What kind of peeling can I expect?   With Salicylic acid there is only a light amount, and possibly no visible peeling. Salicylic is considered a Superficial peel. It can penetrate through the Stratum Corneum, the Stratum Granulsome and possibly into the Stratum Basale layer at higher strengths. Peeling should be completed within 3-7 days. There is not truly any "down time" related with this acid. You may consider a bit of dryness "social downtime".   The absence of flaking does not mean that this acid isn't working though. Flakes are not necessary for changes to occur within the skin.  Continual use is recommended for best results. You can apply this peel one time every week or every second week until a series is completed. Then as needed, or monthly.

Use peels no more than 1x every 1-2 weeks to keep pores clear and oily skin under control. An optional acid for acne is the Mandelic 40+. Another home peel option would be either the Jessners or TCA 13. Many times you will have to try multiple acids to see which works best to control your acne issues. After time your skin may become acclimated to a particular acid. This would be the time to try a different peel for awhile.



View our simple chemical peel demonstration.

Watch Instagrammer Beauty_n_Brawn apply our Salicylic 15% peel in this video here: 

Watch Vlogger Vincent Balducci apply our Salicylic 25% peel here

Day 3 after Salicylic 25% peel

Day 4 everything is pretty much flaked and back to normal. Thank you for sharing with us Vincent. 

Salicylic Acid Peel Instructions

The 15% solution is highly effective in controlling excess oil output and deep cleansing the pores. It should not be used more than 1x per week.



Salicylic 3:   Alcohol (Denat), Propylene Glycol, Salicylic Acid, Menthol. 
Salicylic 15 and 25:   Alcohol (Denat), Salicylic Acid, Propylene Glycol, Menthol. 

2.1 pH.

This series of peels (3%-25% Salicylic) is buffered to a pH of 2.1. The Higher pH level slows down the action of the peel and makes it safer for home usage. Salicylic is a very strong acid though, and even though the pH level is altered, salicylic should be treated as a stronger peel. We suggest this series for acne prone types (3% beginners/TEENS - 15% and 25% advanced). Many medical spas utilize this strength of peel.

More Testimonials

Michelle, Verified Buyer  02/14/14
I have suffered from cystic acne since I became a teen, and my nose has always been one big blackhead. Since I started using this product regularly (in conjunction with the AB cleanser and daily use of the acne diamond microdermabrasion), my nose is basically blackhead free, and it is so smooth now, I never knew that was even possible! I can't recommend this product enough. I never had much luck with OTC versions. *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Kristen Kline, Verified Buyer  04/24/14
was hesitant to order this because you can purchase 2% salicylic in the store. I didn't think the 1% would make a big difference, but it really did! I purchased a 4oz bottle and applied it as an astringent at night after I washed my face. The blackheads on my nose that are hard to clear up eventually went away and my skin had an overall smoothness. I was using it in conjunction with the 30% Glycolic Peel and EMU Oil. I loved using it as an astringent so much that I will keep ordering this product! *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

LOGAN B, Verified Buyer  01/16/15
I love it, I've been purchasing this continually for years...a great way to keep skin looking its best. *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 
Kenisha Anderson, Verified Buyer  09/28/12
IT'S GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love this peel, it's been helping with my acne a whole lot. I've been using it for about a month now and my skin is much smoother and even tone. i will continue to do my six appl, and up grade my precentage!!!! LOVE THEIR PRODUCTSSSSS!!!!! *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Julie Faul, Verified Buyer  06/17/14
I've done approximately 8 peels with the 15% salicylic peel. The first time i left the peel on for a 30 seconds and the second and third times i upped it to 3 and 4 minutes. Even after 8 peels i have to be careful as my skin gets very sensitive for a day and peeling and tightening is overkill. I've overwashed and scrubbed a few days after the peels and caused my skin to appear raw. Definitely something i recommend doing when you can stay home a few days and just let the product work. Start at the lower doses. I put this peel on my back and blistered ... haven't tried it again. Will work with the lower dose next time. Great peel and definitely helps with acne! *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Nelly Swilla, Verified Buyer  09/19/14
I started using this peel about 2 years ago and followed the instructions religiously. Started seeing results after the 2nd treatment. After finishing the first 5 weekly treatments, switched to using it every 2 weeks as a maintenance program. Probably best for someone with oily skin, but not very oily or acne-prone skin. Would highly recommend it.  *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Susan Scheer, Verified Buyer  09/22/14
I love this peel when my acne gets a bit out of hand due to stress or hormonal reasons. I'm 29 and my skin is getting out of the acne phase but i still get a few blemishes occasionally. It's gentle enough on my skin that i don't go through a deep peel.. just a slight flakiness. I know I can do this peel and not have fear of looking flaky before an event. It's also a great step before using the 25% salicylic peel. My skin is fairly hardy, so I can start out with this peel. I'm very pleased with many of the products and this one is a staple in my medicine cabinet! *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Erica, Verified Buyer  10/17/13
This chemical peel is the absolute best product I have ever used. My skin is DRAMATICALLY different. After using this product, my acne and oil have toned down about 90% (I still break out here and there, but no way near as much as I used to). My skin is extremely oily, and acne prone and this stuff has helped so much. I am finally not embarrased about my skin anymore. Thank you for making this amazing product! *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Natalie, Verified Buyer  12/11/13
WONDERFUL PRODUCT This peel eliminates breakouts and keeps oily skin in check. You must start with the 15% however as the 25% is quite strong. I expereince moderate peeeling on days 3 and 4 after using this product. I use emu oil and copper peptides in conjunction with this and the results are amazing. *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Nikki V, Verified Buyer  08/21/14
I had horrible adult acne from stress and I tried everything to get rid of it, but it only got worse. I found this product online and started out with the 3% then moved up to the 15% and now I use the 25%. My skin is 95% clear now!! I would recommend this to EVERYONE who has acne problems. *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Nelly Swilla, Verified Buyer  09/19/14
This is the best product I've ever used for seriously oily skin, i.e., the type of skin that looks shiny 30min after washing and not using moisturizer. But I wouldn't recommend starting off with it since it's quite strong. I began with the 15% Salicyclic Chemical Peel and then graduated to this. Use the peel for maintenance purposes every 3-4 weeks these days. Acne marks and new eruptions have really gone down. Feel comfortable going to work without any makeup on (not even powder)! My skin now behaves like combination skin. I now only get breakouts just before that time of the month. If nothing has worked for you so far, would definitely recommend that you try this. *Results vary depending on individual needs and product usage. Please see us for personal recommendations. 

Reviews for Salicylic peel 3 - 15 - 25

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