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Viss PRO IPL System w/cartridge choice

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About Viss PRO IPL System w/cartridge choice

VISS IPL PRO 3 In 1 System  at-home unit with your choice of a single treatment cartridge | Hair Removal | Skin Rejuvenation | Acne Treatment


Updated 9-2022 PRO Version. Now with multi-flash option.

This is the only difference between the original version and the new PRO version. Please be aware that the cartridges are different. Yellow stickers on the previous and green on the new Pro. They can NOT be interchanged. They will not work with the other machines. We carry both for your replenishment needs. 

*This is a Signature Required Delivery*

IPL is a form of heat and light therapy. Your skin will absorb the spectrum of light and convert it into heat. This heat stimulates cellular tissues to regenerate. IPL can penetrate into the second major layer of your skin - the dermis - without harming the first layer - epidermis - of your skin. 

Layers of the skin showing epidermis and the dermis where an IPL can penetrate into.

This is a powerful at-home IPL device that has a whopping 25 joules of strength. Use this 1-2x per week to help improve many common skin issues such as:

  • Wrinkles
  • Dark spots
  • Rosacea
  • Enlarged pores
  • Fine lines
  • Acne
  • Hair removal or reduction

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light. It is sometimes referred to as a laser treatment - but it is not a laser. The difference between an IPL and a laser is that a laser will only use one wavelength of light while IPL releases a variety. This makes IPL an ideal modality to choose when you want to treat more than one issue - without having to purchase multiple machines. Just select the cartridge that will treat your target. 

Another benefit to using an IPL is the size of the treatment lamp. A laser has a very small head, while an IPL's is much larger. With the size of (.78" x 1.2") this machine will treat up to 220 hairs at a time. 

IPL spectrum for treatment areas

Each wavelength will treat different skin issues. 

  • 400-700nm will treat Acne
  • 550-900nm will rejuvenate the skin
  • 640-900nm will remove hair

This unit will come to you with one cartridge selection - of your choice. Each cartridge has the potential to last about 3-4 years if you are using it 2-3x a week. The intensity of the level will have an effect on how many treatments that you will get. See the chart below to get an idea on how long you will get use of your cartridge. 

Individual cartridges are available for purchase here

Low Level (1-3) 

Middle Level (4-6) 

High level (7-8) 

 30,000 Flashes

 15,000 flashes

 8000 Flashes

 16-19 Joules

 20-22 Joules

 23-25 Joules

Skin Rejuvenation Cartridge

VISS IPL Skin Rejuvenationtm is a great targeted treatment to address facial redness from rosacea, dark spots, melasma, pigmentation, loss of firmness, broken capillaries, large pores and mild acne. Most results can be seen within 1-2 months, but with deeper lines and long-standing issues, up to 6 months is average. We suggest that you alternate treatments with the IPL. The most powerful alternative would be a TCA chemical peel

What to expect using VISS 2-3x per week *General guidelines. Results may vary based on skin condition. 

First month

  • Visible results after a few treatments
  • Skin tightening and becoming more tone
  • Age spots lightening
  • Surface broken capillaries fading after 3-5 treatments *deeper will be slower progression.

2-3 months

  • Progressive improvement after completing 3 months of regular treatments

Treatment protocol: 

  • Face - 12 weeks of treatment and then break for 4 weeks. Restart another 12 week program. 
  • Body - Treat until you get the desired results without breaking. 

 VISS Skin Rejuvenation cartridge results

Acne Treatment Cartridge

VISS IPL Acne Treatmenttm is a great targeted treatment to address problematic acne. IPL light energy destroys acne bacteria in the pores of the skin. It also reduces the blood supply to the sebaceous gland and slows production. This is an excellent solution that can be used 2-3x per week to aid in controlling acne on the face and body.  We suggest that you alternate treatments with the IPL. The most powerful alternative would be a Mandelic chemical peel

What to expect using VISS 2-3x per week *General guidelines. Results may vary based on skin condition. 

IPL acne treatment schedule and results 

Avoid sun exposure when treating with IPL unit. Use SPF of 40-50 daily to protect skin 48 hours prior to and 24 hours after. 

After treating follow with acne treatment products such as Vitamin B Complex or Nano Hyaluronic Serum. Another excellent option would be an evening application of Retinol .20 Molecular Serum to clear out the pores. 

IPL acne results at the 6 month mark


Hair Removal Cartridge

VISS IPL Hair Removaltm is a great targeted treatment to address any areas on the face or body where you have unwanted hair. IPL light energy destroys the hair follicle, and after a few months you will have visible hair growth reduction. Instead of daily shaving and waxing, this is an excellent solution that can be used 2-3x per week to aid in controlling hair growth.

Body Parts Treatment timing Visible results

 *This is a general guideline. Treatment times and results may vary based on size of treated area and hair type. 

Bikini 30-40 min 4-7 months
Face 10-20 min 2-3 months
Arm 20-30 min 1-3 months
Underarm 20-30 min 1-3 months
Leg 30-50 min 1-3 months
Chest 20-30 min 2-4 months
Abdomen 30-40 min 2-4 months


IPL hair removal | timing and chart results


VISS IPL Hair Removal before/after photos. All taken one month after last treatment. *Treatments applied are notated in photos.

VISS IPL Hair Removal before/after photos. All taken one month after last treatment. *Treatments applied are notated in photos.


At-Home IPL Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is this IPL unit suitable for me? 

There are 8 intensity settings with the VISS Advanced IPL unit. This allows the majority of skin tones to be able to do procedures. All skin tones Fitzpatrick 1-5 are eligible as well as those with dark blonde to black hair for the hair removal. See our intuitive chart below for skin and hair coloring as well as our video. 

VISS IPL at-home skin color | hair color | usage chart

2. Can men use this IPL unit as well? ... How about children?

Absolutely! We all have skin and we can all use the same treatments. 

... How about children and teens?

With the younger crowd, the recommended age is those that are 14 years of age and older. Teens 15-18 can use the device with the consent or assistance of their parents/adult. Those 19 years of age and older can use the device freely. 

3. Is an IPL device safe to use? 

Yes, studies by the Washington Institute of Dermatological Laser Surgery have confirmed that low energy pulsed light can be applied safely and effectively for at-home hair removal in a variety of non facial locations and skin photo types (I-IV). 

4. Can I use this anywhere on my body? 

You can safely use the VISS IPL for hair removal anywhere below the cheekbone inclusing the arms, armpits, chest, back, bikini and legs (most common areas). Do not use this on mucus producing (intimate) areas. *See manual for full list of contraindications. 

5. Will using the IPL hurt?

As long as you have selected the correct intensity setting according to your skin tone and hair color, the treatment should not be painful. You may feel a warm sensation or a light prickling. Begin using the lowest recommended setting, and when you are comfortable you may increase it. This should not be a painful experience at all. 

6. Should I shave before I do the hair removal treatment? 

Yes, you should always shave first. This ensures that the light follows the hair all the way down to the root. Any unshaved hair will burn. This will create an unpleasant smell and could damage your unit. 

7. How often should I do my IPL treatments? 

Each cartridge has its own treatment schedule to follow. Average times are: 

  • Hair removal - treat area 2x per week first month. Months 2-3 treat 1x every two weeks. Months 4+ treat 1-2x per month. 
  • Skin rejuvenation - treat area 2x per week. Months 2-3 treat 1x per week. Month 3, after 12 weeks stop using the unit for 4 weeks. You may then start 12 week program again. 
  • Acne treatment - treat area 1-2x per week months 1-3. You may stop using when acne is clear. Use as needed on active acne after-the-fact. 

8. I used the hair removal treatment 1 week ago but my hair is still growing, why?

This is perfectly normal and is called ejection. Hair can appear to be growing for up to 2 weeks after your last treatment. At this point you will see they are actually falling out. *You may also run into hairs that were missed during your treatment. They would continue to grow as normal. Once your first hair cycle is over then your next one will begin. Keep on your treatment schedule so that you get all of the hair cycles treated. 

9. Can I use this more than is suggested to get better results? 

No. Using your IPL more than recommended will not speed up the efficacy and could lead to skin irritations. Remember, you own this and can use it for many years. Follow the schedule for best resuts. 

10. How will I know when to replace the cartridge? 

When the glass on your cartridge is getting too hot and is causing pain/discomfort, it is time to replace it. You will get approximately 3+ years from a single cartridge if you are using this 2-3x per week on a single person. 

11. Is long term use of IPL dangerous? 

Light based hair removal has been thoroughly reviewed and tested for over 15 years. Long-term use of light energy devices will not cause issues or side effects. 

12. Is this a final sale? 

No, as with our refund policy you have 30 days to request a refund. Once we receive your machine back (with all parts and your cartridge) it will be inspected and then returned back to the manufacturer. Our 15% return fee will cover these costs. 

13. Does this unit come with a warranty of any kind? 

  1. Yes, there is a full 1 year warranty on internal parts when used for home use! You will be required to send the machine back to us for service. Make sure to keep your original box. Treat your machine with loving care and you will get many years of service from it. 
  2. This is not meant to be used inside a salon. A warranty of 60 days will be adhered to if used under this pretense. 


  • Loosely wrap the cord. Do NOT tighten it excessively as this could damage internal wiring. 
  • Wipe down the cartridge after use and store in original box. 
  • Do not get your unit wet. 
  • Do not drop your unit. 
  • Store in original packaging to keep safe. 

Contraindications Do NOT use this IPL if you: 

  • Have unsuitable skin or hair coloring (see chart). 
  • If you have an active skin disease or cancer/pre-cancer/atypical moles. Bleeding disorders. AIDS, Diabetes, Lupus, Porphyria or congestive heart disease. 
  • History of collagen disorder, keloid formations or a history of poor wound healing. 
  • History of vascular disorder/varicose veins/vascular ectasia on areas to be treated. 
  • Skin is sensitive to light or easily develops rashes or allergic reactions. 
  • Had surgery on the areas to be treated. 
  • Have epilepsy with flashlight sensitivity. 
  • Currently being treated with isotretinoin (accutane), topical isotretinoin, or hydroxy acids. *These ingredients will make your skin more sensitive. Please discontinue use prior to using the IPL unit. 
  • On painkillers that reduce the skin's sensitivity to heat. Taking photosensitising agents or medications, check package insert and never use this device if it is stated tat it can cause photo-allergic reactions, photo-toxic reactions or if you have to avoid sun when taking this medicine. 
  • Take anticoagulation medications, including heavy use of aspirin, in a manner that does not allow for a minimum or 1-233k washout period prior to each treatment. 
  • If you take immunosuppressive medications. 
  • Over or near anything artificial like silicon implants, implanon conctaceptive implants, pacemakers, subcutaneous injection ports or piercings. 
  • On moles, freckles, large veins, darker pigmented areas, scars, skin anomalies without consulting your doctor. This could result in a burn and change of color which makes it potentially harder to identify skin related diseases. 
  • On nipples, areolas, and mucus areas (inner vaginal and anus). 
  • Warts, tattoos, or permanent makeup. This could result in a burn and change of color. 
  • After intensive sunbathing or on sunburnt skin. *Avoid skin for 48 hours prior to any treatment. Treat untanned skin. Use SPF daily. 
  • Use long-lasting deodorants
  • Are pregnant. 


Technical specifications: 

Product name:  VISS IPL PRO

Model No.: IPL-1500

Current: AC (100v - 240v Free Voltage) *Standard USA 

Energy Density: 25 joules

Frequency: 50-60Hz

Product weight: 2lbs (1.3kg)

Product size: 7.71" x 5.43" x 7" inches (196 x 138 x 178mm)

Lamp lifetime:

  • Low level = 30,000 flashes
  • Med level = 15,000 flashes
  • High level = 8000 flashes

Light spectrum: 

  • Hair removal = 640-900nm
  • Skin rejuvenation = 550-900nm
  • Acne treatment = 400-700nm




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